Where to Stay
From impressive castles to friendly farmhouses, there are any number of places ready to welcome you, your family and friends, and your horse(s) on your visit to the South of Scotland.
The menu to the left will take you to details of horse and rider accommodation on or near the trails which also offer parking, secure tack storage and drying facilities. Many of these accommodation provided are accredited with Horses Welcome. Most will provide an evening meal or transport to/from a local pub offering food. Packed lunches are usually available on request, and it may be possible to arrange luggage transfer. Larger groups of riders may find it difficult to arrange accommodation at one location, but ask your host and they may be able to suggest somewhere nearby for your friends.
For other accommodation, try www.visitscotland.com.
Remember that it’s up to you to satisfy yourself that wherever you choose to stay meets your needs - and those of your horse. Check in advance if you need special food or bedding, and whether grazing is individually segregated or whether your horse will be in with others. Some riders may also wish to ask before booking what type of fencing is used, the size of paddocks, watering arrangements etc.
It goes without saying that you are responsible for ensuring that your horse is healthy and tetanus vaccinations are up to date. We all know that things don’t always go to plan, but accommodation providers have a business to run and unless you can find someone to take your place, expect to forfeit your deposit, and if you cancel at short notice, to pay the full costs. You may wish to consider taking out insurance to cover the cost of accommodation if your horse goes lame or you have to cancel unexpectedly.